Family Health Team
The Carefirst Family Health Team (FHT) is a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, nurses, social workers, dieticians, physiotherapist and medical receptionists. The team collaboratively delivers exceptional comprehensive primary care to our communities. Our spectrum of services covers diagnosis, treatment, wellness promotion and prevention programs. We have a robust Chronic Disease Management and Prevention program and are actively involved in many of the Ontario Health Team’s primary care initiatives. Our partnerships across the community ensure our patients receive coordinated and high quality of care. As a community FHT we collaborate closely with Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association and also have unique access to a team of on-site specialists at our Scarborough location operated by Carefirst including cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology, optometry, geriatrics medicine, gynaecology, chiropody and audiology.

Watch the Fall 2024 Vaccine Info Videos with Dr. Chi-Ming Chow


English: CLICK
Cantonese: CLICK
Mandarin: CLICK

100% of FHT staff are audited for hand hygiene

Service & Programs




Our services and programs are planned in collaboration with our patient advisors.


The Client/Patient and Family Advisory Council (“The Council”) for Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association and Carefirst Family Health Team was established as a forum for Carefirst clients/patients and their family members/caregivers to provide strategic inputs and advice into the direction of Carefirst’s development of client/patient services. The meetings are chaired by Carefirst CEO or designate with two other Carefirst staff. The Council provides a structure for questions, concerns and issues to be raised and for Carefirst to engage with clients/patients and their family members/caregivers to co-design services and activities.

The objectives of the Council are to:

  • Help inform and drive Carefirst’s services, policies and procedures
  • Help Carefirst identify client’s needs for quality improvements
  • Help determine areas or services that may need to be changed or improved
  • Identify client’s priorities and needs based on community trends and initiatives

The full Terms of Reference for the Council can be found HERE.
If you have an interest to join the Council, please send an email to

Locations and Hours of Operation:



Richmond Hill Family Health Team:



Monday:9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday:9:00 AM – 2:00 PM



Telephone: (905) 695-1133


Fax: (905) 695-0826



Scarborough Family Health Team:



Monday:9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Tuesday:9:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday:9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday:9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday:9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday:9:00 AM – 1:00 PM



Telephone: (416) 502-2029


Fax: (416) 502-8710



**Hours may vary on public & agency holidays


IMPORTANT: Please note that Carefirst Family Health Team does not use the email as a means of communication as it is not secure for any private or confidential information with the public or patients for any of the following:

  • regarding questions or issues of a medical nature;
  • to establish physician/patient relationships;
  • to book or cancel appointments; or
  • for inquiries regarding fees, services or similar matters.

E-Mail communications regarding such matters will not be responded to. If you wish to contact us regarding medical questions or issues or with regard to appointments, accounts or other questions please contact us by telephone or fax.


We will occasionally send out e-mails regarding generalized health information to patients. Please note that when these emails are sent they are on a “do not reply” status. If you have any questions or concerns about this information in the email kindly call or come into our office.


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Book an Appointment Online



We are excited to provide you with an option to book an appointment online with your physician. If you are a patient of the Family Health Team, click the button below to be directed to our booking site. You can also call the Carefirst Family Health team directly and one of our receptionists can help you book an appointment. The number for our Richmond Hill location is (905) 695 -1133. For our Scarborough location, call (416) 502-2029. If you are not a patient with the Carefirst Family Health Team but would like to enroll as one, select the Enroll as a Patient tab above for more information.

Enroll as a Patient





To access the form, please click the link/button below.


Please note that applying to the waitlist does not guarantee your enrollment as a patient of the Carefirst Family Health Team. Our search for and recruitment of new physicians to join our team is ongoing. As such, we are unable to confirm the length of your waiting period at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.


To access care while you are on our wait list, consider the Carefirst Community Care Clinic. Click Here to book an appointment.


Mission, Vision, & Values



Carefirst Family Health Team strives to improve the health of patients and families by providing culturally sensitive and holistic primary health care services. Our team of multidisciplinary professionals deliver timely, accessible, and patient and family-centered care in collaboration with our community partners.


To become a leader in innovation and promote high quality, integrated primary health care that responds to the changing needs of patients and families.




C Collaboration

A Accessibility

R Responsiveness and accountability

E Equity, diversity and inclusion

F Family and client-centered

Integrated continuum of care

R Respect and recognition

S Safety and wellbeing

T Top quality programs and services

Carefirst FHT Strategic Plan



Carefirst FHT 2023/2024 Areas of Focus and Annual Priorities


To view the full details of the Carefirst FHT 2024/2025 Areas of Focus and Annual Priorities, please click HERE


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Carefirst FHT’s commitment to quality improvement can be seen through updates in the following documents:


Quality Improvement Plan 2024-2025 Updates
Practice Report – November 2024


Other important guiding documents for the Carefirst Family Health Team:


Risk Management Plan 2023-2026




To view Carefirst Annual Report, Organizational Structure and Sub-Committees of the Board.

Patient’s Bill of Rights & Responsibilities





Carefirst Family Health Team (FHT)’s Patients are entitled to the following rights:

  • To be informed of their rights in writing
  • To be treated with respect, courtesy, dignity and privacy without discrimination as guaranteed by the Ontario Human Rights Code
  • To be serviced in a manner that is free from physical, mental and financial abuse and harassment
  • To receive clear and complete information about your medical health and management
  • To receive information necessary to make fully informed health care choices and service entitlements, including information about who will provide particular services and their qualifications
  • To receive medical advice and management options that fully meet the currently accepted standards of care and quality
  • To give or refuse consent to the provision of any medical management service or program of care
  • To receive information that promotes good health as well as prevents illness and injury
  • To receive care in a safe and clean environment
  • To participate and be involved in the decision- making process about your treatment and care plan
  • To have privacy and confidentiality of information and health records regarding your care
  • To address any concerns/complaints through channels provided for this purpose by the FHT, and to have any concerns/complaint dealt with in a prompt consistent and fair manner.




Carefirst Family Health Team (FHT)’s Patients are responsible for the following:

  • To understand that verbal or physical abuse of staff, patients and visitors will not be tolerated
  • To provide health professionals with current contact information
  • To provide complete and accurate information relating to your health and the public health services you are/ have been receiving
  • To follow the treatment plan to the best of your ability, as outlined by your health care practitioner, including the instructions of physicians, nurses and health personnel carrying out your coordinated plan of care
  • To be accountable for your own decisions and actions if you deliberately refuse treatment or do not follow practitioner’s instructions
  • To understand that a treatment you ask for may not be provided if it is medically or ethically inappropriate
  • To be responsible to keep your appointments, and when unable to do so, to notify the FHT with sufficient time to reschedule
  • To follow FHT rules and regulations regarding patient care and conduct
  • To report immediately any potential exposure to infectious disease(s) to health professionals
  • To participate in hand hygiene and other infection prevention and control activities as per protocols
  • To request further information concerning anything not fully understood
  • To understand that the needs of other patients may sometimes be more urgent than your own

Patient Fees List


Carefirst Seniors and Community Services: Client’s Bill of Rights (2022)
University Health Network
Ontario Human Rights Commission, ONTARIO HUMAN RIGHTS CODE (1962)
AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards

Carefirst FHT Privacy & Personal Health Information Practices



Carefirst Family Health Team (FHT) recognizes that protecting the privacy of your personal health information is an essential part of our commitment to quality service, programs and care. We believe our patients/clients should know what personal health information we collect, how we use it, to whom we disclose it and how we protect it.


Personal health information is information in any form that identifies you and that relates to your health and health care including health history, health care programs and services, health care providers, substitute decision makers, health card number and other personal identification numbers.


Carefirst FHT will only collect, use and disclose your personal health information with your consent or as required or permitted by law. You may change your mind and withdraw this consent at any time by providing notice to Carefirst FHT provided that there are no legal requirements to prevent this.


Carefirst FHT may collect personal health information directly from you or another person who may act on your behalf such as a substitute decision maker or a parent or legal guardian of a minor. We may also collect personal health information about you from other sources if your consent has been obtained or if the law permits or requires the collection. The personal health information we collect may include your name, date of birth, address, health history, records of your visits to your physician at Carefirst FHT, and the care that you received during those visits.


Carefirst FHT may collect personal health information for:

  • The provision or assisting in provision of health care
  • Planning or delivering health programs or services
  • Arranging referrals, providing supportive counselling and establishing interventions
  • Health protection, health promotion and awareness
  • Public health administration and monitoring
  • Administering and managing the health care system
  • Purposes related to the function of the Medical Officer of Health pursuant to the Health Protection and Promotion Act
  • Conducting research and compiling statistics
  • Fundraising
  • Purposes permitted or required by law
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements



  • Carefirst FHT may use personal health information for the purposes for which it is collected, as listed above, e.g., to treat and care for you, as well as to:
  • Get payment for your treatment and care (from OHIP, WSIB, your private insurer, or others)
  • Plan, administer and manage our internal operations
  • Conduct risk management and quality improvement activities
  • Teach
  • Fulfill other purposes permitted or required by law


Carefirst FHT will not disclose your personal health information with any external person or entity without your consent unless it is permitted or required by law. For example, we may share your personal health information without your consent:

  • With health care professionals for the purpose of providing you health care when it is not reasonably possible to obtain your consent, for example you are seriously ill or mentally incapacitated
  • With public health authorities such as the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Medical Officer of Health
  • With a person carrying out an inspection or investigation authorized by a warrant or by law
  • Where it is necessary to eliminate or reduce a significant risk of serious bodily harm
  • Pursuant to a summons, subpoena or court order
  • To the Children’s Aid Society


To learn more about the purposes for which we disclose your personal health information, please consult our Personal Health Information and Privacy Practices Policy or contact our Privacy Officer listed below.


Carefirst FHT is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of personal health information held in any form. We employ physical, organizational and technological safeguards to protect your personal health information against theft and loss, as well as unauthorized access, copying, modification, use, disclosure and disposal.


We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance. All staff that come into contact with your personal health information are aware of its sensitive nature and are trained in the appropriate use, disclosure and protection of your personal health information. Staff will ensure the amount and type of personal health information collected, used or disclosed is limited to that which is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. We also require organizations that perform services or provide programs on our behalf to protect the privacy of your personal health information and to use such information only for the purposes you have consented to or that are permitted or required by law.


Finally, subject to certain exceptions, Carefirst FHT will notify you at the first reasonable opportunity if your personal health information in our custody or control is stolen, lost or accessed by unauthorized persons.


Under our Personal Health Information and Privacy Practices Policy, you have the right to:

  • Be informed about the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your personal health information
  • Request and be granted access, subject to limited exceptions, to your own personal health information in the custody or control of CAREFIRST FHT (by contacting the staff member from whom you received health care or health programs or services or by contacting our Privacy Officer.)
  • Subject to limited exceptions, request and receive a photocopy of your personal health information at a minimal cost
  • Request correction of your own personal health information if you believe it is incomplete or inaccurate by contacting our Privacy Officer
  • Direct questions, comments or complaints about our policy or about alleged contraventions of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 to our Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer will investigate any complaints and take action to resolve such complaints.
  • Complain to the Information and Privacy Commissioner if you believe that we have contravened our policy, or if you are not satisfied with the handling of your inquiry or complaint by our Privacy Officer. The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner may be reached at:


Ontario Information and Privacy Commission
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8
Tel : (416) 326-3333;
Long Distance: 1-800-387-0073 (within Ontario)
TDD/TTY : 416-325-7539
Fax : (416) 325-9195
Email :


Carefirst FHT complies with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, and all other applicable legislation. To learn more about our information practices, consent, and personal health information, please consult our Personal Health Information and Privacy Practices Policy or contact our Privacy Officer listed below.




Helen Leung
Chief Executive Officer
300 Silver Star Blvd.,
Scarborough, ON M1V 0G2
(416) 502-2323 ext 6008


Click here to open Carefirst Family Health Team Complaint Process document.

Click here to fill out a Carefirst FHT Feedback and Complaints Form.

Frequently Asked Questions




A Family Health Team is an approach to primary health care that brings together different health care providers to co-ordinate the highest possible quality of care for you – the patient. Designed to give doctors support from other complementary professionals, most Family Health Teams will consist of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and other health care professionals who work collaboratively, each utilizing their experience and skills so that you receive the very best care, when you need it, as close as possible.
No, the Carefirst Family Health Team is not a walk-in clinic. It operates a regular doctor’s clinic, which means to see one of our doctors, you must be registered as a patient and book an appointment in advance.
The Family Health Team is able to provide primary care with not only a general practitioner, but by bringing together a dedicated team of specialists and other health professionals in order to best serve your needs. With several practitioners in one convenient location, you, as a patient, will not have to worry about external referrals and transfers.
Our clinic opens from 9 am to 8 pm from Monday to Thursday, from 9 am to 6 pm on Friday, and from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday. Please check with the medical secretary for your family doctor’s clinic hours.
During the clinic’s closure hours, if you have a medical emergency, please go to the nearest hospital’s emergency department or dial 911 for assistance. If it is a non-medical emergency, you can call the telephone help advisory service (THAS) at 1-866-553-7205 for consultation.
Our physicians speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Tamil.


Patients with an OHIP card are welcome to enroll with one of our physicians, subject to their availability. We strongly advise prospective new patients to make an advance booking before coming to our clinic. New patients without a booking will be seen only if the physician is available at the time of the visits.
Patients without an OHIP card but are in dire need of medical care can make an appointment with one of our physicians, subject to their availability. A non-OHIP service fee will apply.
Refugees’ health care needs may be covered by the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP). Please call in advance of your visit and specify your status. Please bring your identity document when you come.
OHIP covers a wide range of health services. A brief description of insured services is available from OHIP does not cover:
  • treatment that is medically unnecessary
  • health services that are rendered at a facility that is not a licensed hospital or licensed health facility
  • treatment that is generally accepted by the medical profession in Ontario, as being experimental, or for research or for part of a study
  • treatment rendered for an illness, disease condition or injury that arose inside Canada
  • ambulance services or transportation costs
  • other services specifically set out in the regulations as uninsured or otherwise not listed as insured.
Examples of uninsured services are sick notes, massage letters, physiotherapist notes, travel immunization, copy and transfer of medical records. We charge patients a fee for providing uninsured services.