High Priority Communities Program

High Priority Communities Program

High Priority Communities Strategy Program of SE Markham


Carefirst Seniors and Community Services Association is a leading organization for the Ontario government’s High Priority Communities Strategy – a community-driven initiative in response to COVID-19 that enables us to collaborate with other community service partner organizations to provide more equitable, culturally appropriate supports and services focused on our three identified key priorities.

This includes, but is not limited to, increased access to testing and vaccination, promoting and removing barriers to women’s preventative care and primary care, and increased access to culturally appropriate community mental health education, counselling, and service navigation in Southeast Markham.

Other COVID-19 News 其他有關新冠肺炎資訊
  • The York Region COVID-19 Voluntary Isolation Centre is available to residents facing complex barriers who are unable to safely self-isolate away from others in their household. There is no cost for eligible residents to stay at the centre and the stay is entirely voluntary. Learn more at york.ca/isolationcentre.
  • If you need financial assistance in order to take 10 to 14 days off work to self-isolate, you may be eligible to receive emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities and food. Call Access York at 1-877-464-9675 ext. 72500 (TTY 1-866-512-6228) or email [email protected] to find out if you are eligible to self-isolate at the centre and/or receive additional supports during your self-isolation period.