Community Support Services

Working Together Community Support

The Community Support Services have adopted client and family centered approach by using standardized assessment tool to identify the individual’s care needs and formulate the service goals.  The service users were provided with case management, ongoing assessment and intervention, service navigation and provision.

Our Programs

  • Client Intervention and Assistance
  • Friendly Visiting and Telephone Reassurance/Security Check
  • Escort & Interpretation
  • Information and Referral
  • Bereavement Counseling
  • Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention

Our Services

  • Undertake intake assessments or reassessments for high risk seniors who were encountering significant life changes.
  • Support seniors/caregivers in relieving personal difficulties, and strengthening of coping abilities and connectedness with community.
  • Provide information and referrals through telephone and/or face-to-face enquiries.
  • Outreach seniors/caregivers residing in Toronto, York Region and Mississauga areas to equip them with elder abuse education through workshops, symposiums, support groups
  • Actively engage bereaved service users to join the linguistically and culturally specific Bereavement Network to provide and receive ongoing peer mutual support to deal with the loss in life.

Information & Inquiry

For more information:
Call: (416) 646-5108

Community Heart